Tuesday, June 30, 2015


I could see the door-to-door salesman from my window. He was large, his face was red with rage and he kept pounding on my door after I didn't respond. I was ready to call the police when he finally stormed away.

How could this salesman possibly think an angry outburst would cause me to buy whatever he was selling?

Compare him to Jesus, who gently knocks at the door of each heart. As we read in Revelation 3:20, "Look at me. I stand at the door. I knock. If you hear me call and open the door, I’ll come right in and sit down to supper with you." (The Message Bible)

This is the invitation to all who believe and all who do not.

If we ignore Him, Jesus will not go away in a rage, as did the salesman at my door. He will be grieved because He loves us so. But God is infinitely patient and His knock will come again.

If you feel a tug at your heart, perhaps Jesus is knocking. Could it be He wants to enter your life to become your Savior?

You might pray, "Come in Lord Jesus. Forgive me. Save me."

Maybe Jesus wants to sup with you, so you may feast on His words, love, comfort and guidance. And just one taste will not suffice. Perhaps you have sampled these delights and you know we will always hunger for more.
This bread from Heaven comes in many ways I explore in my devotional, "Where Your Heart Meets God's."
It comes in the Bible and my late mother-in-law, Andreina Reigada, always had hers open.
It comes in the beauty of the natural world.

God also amazes us with the supernatural, such as the reassurance that came in the clouds while I was rushing to the hospital during a health crisis. The majesty that my husband captured on camera, proclaimed a message of hope: No matter how out of control life may seem, God remains forever in control and on His throne.
Until I saw this for myself, I never thought God would go to such lengths to get my attention. I pictured Him angry, like that salesman at my door.

But as I open the door to God in my daily life, He opens His heart and the heavens. In ways unique to each individual, He will do likewise for those who respond to His call.

Flora Reigada is a journalist and novelist. She and husband, Dan, have been a reporter/photographer team for several newspapers including the Florida Today and currently, Senior Life of Brevard County, Florida. Flora has also written for Guideposts magazine, Decision magazine, the Upper Room daily devotional and more. She and Dan are proud parents and grandparents. The couple has traveled throughout the beautiful British Isles and visited Spain, where they stayed in a castle overlooking the ocean.

Stop by Flora's Amazon Author Page:http://www.amazon.com/Flora-Reigada/e/B00IQK4C5A/ref=dp_byline_cont_ebooks_1

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