Wednesday, April 22, 2015

"God never closes a door without opening a window."-Sue Badeau

"God never closes a door without opening a window."

I love doors – whenever I travel, I take photos of the unique doorways I find. Each door represents a possibility and a story – as a writer, I look at doors and wonder what stories lie behind them. What story will this door help me to tell today? Doors are rich with meaning, emotion, and possibilities.

A door says "welcome". A cheery door, open and surrounded by flowers. A painted door. A door with a well-worn doorjamb, a stoop for sitting on - these doors tell me I am invited in, welcome. I will find hospitality here.

A door says, "this is who I am - come, get to know me”. Doors are little palettes of self-expression. Whether it is artistic, hopeful, zany or wistful, a door sets each individual apart from its neighbors. My wreath, my flowers, my funky antique frog knocker, that little broken piece of glass where the kids’ baseball sailed through . . . . My door is a collage of me.

And yet, a door also connects me to my community. It is ordinary. We all have doors - to our homes, our cars, our schools, our jobs. Stepping out of our own doorways and into those of others provides connection, gives us the opportunity to link our lives with our sisters, brothers, children, elders, friends, even our enemies are no farther than a door or two away.

A door speaks of history. How many people has this door welcomed? Whose hands have turned this door knob? Whose feet have crossed this threshold? How many brides were carried across, how many babies toddled out? How many drunks stumbled in, how many workmen made repairs? A door is a slice of a thousand lives lived, dreams dreamed, hopes pursued.

A door speaks of possibilities. Opportunities. What journey will I begin when I cross this threshold? What lies beyond this door? Will I see the world differently? Will I be a different person when I return, weary, at the end of the day? Look how the light angles through, the reflections, even in a world of darkness, a door can be a ray of hope, a chance to be renewed, recreated, and reborn.

A door connects us to the world beyond - to God, to the Spirit. Doors are reminders of the rites of passages we cross as we traverse and travail throughout our lives. One door brings new life. Another door leads to death. A door takes us beyond ourselves, beyond the here and now, beyond our wildest imaginings, our fears, our mysteries. A door takes us home.

A door speaks of home. I am safe here. I am secure. There is a coziness, a comfort behind that door. The door keeps the wind and the rain and the cold out, and allows the warmth of love to fill my heart. A door speaks of love. My door says, "Ahhhhhhhh, it is so good to be home."

It’s time to close the door to my study and write that new story on my heart . . . .

Drop by Sue's Amazon Author Page:

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