Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Memory Challenged, the Bermuda Triangle of my brain by Patti J. Smith

Life brings us subject matter for future writing projects every day...a long lost memory, a profound statement, an event, a random thought or even a dream. I don't know about you, but my memory is no longer the steel trap I had in my youth...and as quickly as an idea comes to me, it disappears into the Bermuda Triangle of my brain.....never to be seen or heard from again.

I now accept the fact I'm "memory challenged", and am doing something about it. I now have a notepad that goes with me everywhere. No matter where I am ... the grocery store, a parking lot, a restaurant ... my new best friend is there. I do get funny looks at church when I jot down a verse or something the priest says, and my husband gets a tad bit annoyed when I wake up in the middle of the night from a dream, and turn on the light to document an epiphany ... interrupting his slumber...but it's worth it. My days of lost inspiration are over...as long as I remember the pencil!


Patti J. Smith was born in Wimpole Park, England. She lived in England and Morocco as well as several state-side Air Force Bases and considers her father's last assignment, Moses Lake, Washington, her hometown. She audited for the Dept. of Labor and Veteran's Administration Offices of Inspector General, served in the U.S. Army Reserve (Transit Control Unit and Criminal Investigation Division) and recently retired as a background investigator.

Patti lives in Vista, CA with her husband and has three granddaughters. She serves as a Regional Coordinator for the Silent No More Awareness Campaign, Co-leads Rachel's Hope After-Abortion Healing Retreats and sings in her parish choir.

Her writing includes devotionals, light romance and suspense, and her strong faith is reflected in each genre.

She is a prolific blogger and reader, and proudly admits to being a diehard Seattle Seahawks fan and Fantasy Football fanatic. Her travel adventures include Spain, Mexico, Canada, Australia, Fiji, South Korea and almost all states - including Hawaii and Alaska.

Follow her blog: http://www.gridirongrannyfootballfanatic.blogspot.com/
Goodreads: www.goodreads.com/author/show/7306825.Patti_J_Smith
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gridirongranny5
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/giridirongranny
Pinterest: http://wwwpinterest.com/gridirongranny

1 comment:

  1. Keeping a pen and notebook handy is a wonderful idea for writers. I have them strategically located around the house, in my purse, etc. Capturing those ideas in a timely manner is a must! :)
